“Good morning! My name is Fatime Cisse and I am a currently an undecided student here at Bridgewater College.
“My name is is Erin Fitzpatrick and my field of study is political science”
“My name is Eli Thies and I study biology”
“And my name is McKenzie Melvin, and I study Global Studies and Economics. Our fifth team member is Tristan Supples. He is a Computer Science major and was unable to be with us this morning due to a family wedding”.
“The social issue we are addressing with our project is access to social services. Access to food assistance, namely the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, otherwise known as SNAP benefits, child care assistance, adult and child protective services, and general relief benefits, to name a few.
“Obtaining access to these social services is incredibly difficult, especially for those who have immigrated to the United States, those whose first language is not English, and for those who do not have the general knowledge of the steps needed to be taken to obtain any specific social service.
“Our goal is to provide education through an online, easy-to-use platform - a website - that eliminates discrimination, as it relates to adequate access to social services, to individuals and families seeking specific social services.”
“Mysocialservicesonline.com, or MySSO, will begin by providing this education to all residents of the state of Virginia. Included on the webpage will not only be contact and location information for all of the offices in Virginia offering social services, but will feature a Google Maps add-in that will allow individuals to enter their home address and find the social services office nearest to them.”
Additionally, the website will feature drop-down lists of a variety of social services offered in Virginia. These links will lead to a specific page for a specific social service, featuring a step-by-step “how-to” guide that details everything one needs to obtain the specific social service, and links to helpful resources such as applications or additional government office contact information (such as the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles).
One of our most important features, however, is the ability of our site to be converted into multiple languages for those whose primary language is not English. Our goal is to be able to have our site translated into Spanish, French, and German, along with English.
The resources we need are as follows:
To obtain a Wix Premium Membership to build our website effectively, the cost is $10.00 per month. We would like to retain this membership for at least 2 years, in the case that we would like to continue this endeavor after the Showker Prize Competition comes to a close
Total: $240.00
To gain the rights to our domain name, the price is $12.00
For 2 years, $24.00
Facebook advertising: $1.00/day for 6 months ($183.00)
Posters (printer paper and ink): $50.00
Total: $233.00
Round off to $500.00
We hope that you have enjoyed hearing our pitch this morning, and we hope to only move upward and onward from here, making social services easy and accessible for all. Thank you!
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Note from How-to Harrisonburg
To test this feature, visit your live site.
McKenzie Melvin
Dec 01, 2017
Our Pitch 10/06 [Transcript/Outline]
Our Pitch 10/06 [Transcript/Outline]
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