Ballpark range for funding: $500.00
-Must have a clear, convincing argument for whatever amount of money we need
Team name: S2O //
The Pitch
-Will last approximately 3 minutes.
Our Practice Pitches:
How often do we take for granted our homes, our jobs, our drivers licenses, and more? What we don’t realize is that those americans who are homeless, unemployed, disabled, or new to the country do not have immediate access to these privileges, and must navigate their way through the complex web that is the market for social services. Many of these individuals don’t know how to obtain these services or do not speak English. Our solution is an online medium (website) that offers easy, understandable access to information regarding how to obtain a wide array of social services.
Eli: We will build a website which will provide easy access to social services, designed especially for those who are homeless, immigrants, non-English speakers, and anyone else who may need it. The website will be one hundred percent free of charge for all users, and will provide instructions, resources, links, contacts and other useful information to assist users in obtaining social services in multiple languages through both written words and audio.
Erin: Our idea is to put the necessary paperwork for applying for any social services in one place in an online, easy to use website. We will offer them in multiple languages and give step-by-step instruction. We also will have contact information for places in Virginia to actually go and turn in paperwork
Types of Pitches:
Napkin Idea
30 seconds or less
Rocket Pitch
3 minutes
3 PPT slides
Solution - how would we differentiate our service/product from other solutions?
Target market- Opportunity=Market Size // be SPECIFIC // where are we locating
Business model
Resources- Start-up capital (SEED money)
Call to action
Social Enterprise First Pitch
What social problem are you addressing with your enterprise
How will your enterprise solve or mitigate this social problem
What is the product(s) or service(s) you are offering?
We need to make sure we are specific about our solution.
Who will it help?
Who is your customer
Resources needed
What do you need (from the potential investor) to start or grow your enterprise?
Call to Action (ask for what you need)
The final pitch should show SUCCESS and specificity
-judges like to see something tangible
-specificity is good
“It’s okay to be at the forest level, but be aware of the trees”